ECUADOR 2024 - Quito |
Quito is the capital of Ecuador. It was founded in the
16th century on the ruins of an Inca city at an altitude of nearly 3000m or
10,000ft, and has a well preserved historic centre in the Old City area
including monasteries and churches. It is located on the active seismic
eastern slopes of Pichincha Volcano, and is bordered by the hills of Panecillo
& Ichimbia. It is built on a structural bench along the western border of
the Interandean Depression. The Quito Fault itself is a complex series of
smaller faults branching out from the deeper main structure. |
Below- views (on a misty day) from the top of the Teleferico chair lift on the
western edge of the city. The top of the chair lift is over 1000 m (3,500 ft) above the city level of
2850 m |
Quito - from Teleferico |
Quito - from Teleferico |
Quito - from Teleferico |
Quito - from Teleferico |
Quito - from Teleferico |
Quito - from hotel roof |
Quito - from hotel roof |
Quito - from hotel roof |
Quito - from hotel roof |
South and Central America Index |